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    U.S. presidential election 2024, Biden and Trump
    U.S. presidential election 2024, Biden and Trump



    The U.S. presidential election on Nov. 5 and the Biden vs. Trump return match are becoming more likely. It will be the first confrontation between former and current presidents in 68 years, and Trump is now predicting his dominance. It is also predicting a change in the policy of the Korean Peninsula.


    Trump's key keywords include growth-first economicism, trade-oriented protectionism, strong energy independence, and external isolationism. Major changes in all policies will be inevitable in the second term of Trump's re-election.


    In Northeast Asia, the competition for hegemony between the U.S. and China will intensify, and whether to strengthen cooperation between South Korea, the U.S., and Japan will require many countermeasures, including politics, economy, and defense, depending on the situation, whether it is pressure on North Korea or a return to the old mood of reconciliation.




    1. Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.


    Born on November 20, 1942 (age 79) in Scranton, Pennsylvania, he graduated from the University of Delaware and Syracuse University Law School. He became a lawyer in 1969.


    Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.
    Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.


    Beginning his political career as a member of Newcastle County Council, he ran for the Democratic Federal Senate in 1972, winning a showdown with political mogul Republican Boggs at the age of 30. He became the fifth youngest member of Congress in U.S. history.


    He is the 46th president of the United States of America, having resigned from the Democratic primary in 1988, ranked fifth in the 2008 Democratic primary (first in the Democratic vice presidential nomination), 2012 Democratic vice presidential nomination, 2020 presidential nomination, and 2024. If he is re-elected, he will be retired at the age of 86 and 2029.


    The 46th President began his term on January 20, 2021. On April 25, 2023, he officially announced his candidacy for the third time as a member of the Democratic Party. In his first press conference in office, he announced that he would run again.


    The COVID-19 outbreak continued between 2021 and 2022, and the confusion of the Afghanistan crisis in 2021 turned a significant amount of public opinion in the United States, and the situation was bad in the middle of his term. However, the Democratic Party did a good job in the 2022 US midterm elections.


    Democratic supporters have lost support among Democratic voters for their reelection bid due to their old age, the worst withdrawal from Afghanistan, and inflation problems.


    Since the Democratic Party saved the 2022 midterm elections, the party's approval rating has recovered considerably, and the approval rating for re-election has risen again. As there is no strong candidate and supporters gather after the full-fledged indictment of Trump in 2023, Democratic supporters are again choosing Biden as the next presidential candidate.


    Even within the Democratic Party of Korea, they want to find a replacement for Biden, but there is no one who stands out at the moment. Dean Phillips, who receives approval rating after Biden, is too behind in weight class compared to Donald Trump and is not popular.


    Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.
    Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.



    Democrats gained confidence after sweeping to victory in state legislative elections in a total of four states: Virginia/Kentucky/Ohio/Pennsylvania.


    According to NBC's December 10-14 poll, his approval rating is only around 40%, the lowest among all-time presidents in his third year. He is also slightly behind in his virtual confrontation with Trump.


    President Biden has struggled with falling approval ratings since the beginning of his administration due to supply chain disruptions and high inflation following the pandemic. The war in Ukraine, which broke out due to Russia's invasion, is showing signs of a prolonged period, and after the war between Israel and Hamas, it has led to the departure of internal supporters.


    As he is seeking re-election at the age of 81, the oldest in U.S. history, he is holding back the presidential election due to controversy over his old age.


    2024 Biden Ticket slogan, Finish the Job






    2. Donald John Trump




    Born on June 14, 1946 (age 77) in New York City, N.Y., he graduated from the New York Military School and attended Fordham University in New York for two years before transferring to the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania to earn a bachelor's degree in economics. He was a well-known celebrity to the American people as a real estate entrepreneur, best-selling author, TV show host, and film appearance, and was literally the epitome of the upper class in the United States, especially the Yuppi life. He is the former CEO of Trump Entertainment Resort and the former CEO of Trump Entertainment.


    Donald John Trump
    Donald John Trump


    After running for the Republican nomination for the 2016 U.S. presidential election in July 2015, he became the Republican presidential candidate with the most votes ever at the July 2016 Republican National Convention. He was later elected as the 45th president of the United States, defeating Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton in the presidential election held on November 8, 2016. He received 62,979,879 votes in the election, the most votes won in the history of the Republican presidential nomination.


    On January 20, 2017, Donald Trump was inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States. He declared a U.S. priority that puts U.S. interests first in all internal and external policies, and renegotiated protectionism and defense costs with allies for U.S. troops stationed abroad.


    Trump became the first presidential candidate in U.S. presidential election history to lose the 2020 U.S. presidential election even after beating Ohio, Florida, and Texas. As a result, Donald Trump left office as president on January 20, 2021.


    He is the second-oldest president in U.S. history, holds the record for the most wealthy president ever held, including real estate, the second-ever celebrity-turned-president in U.S. history after Ronald Reagan, and the first former president to be indicted in U.S. history. The charges include leaking confidential information, conspiracy to interfere with elections, obstruct voting rights, and fraud during the 2021 U.S. Capitol occupation riot. Trump declared a re-challenge to the presidency on November 15, 2022.



    The FBI raided him in August 2022 for leaking confidential documents, which resulted in him being prosecuted and arrested for obstructing the execution of public affairs, violating the Archives Act, and the Audience Act. However, since there is no provision in the United States that prevents criminals from running for president, even if they are prosecuted, they can run for president.


    As it was revealed that Biden also leaked confidential documents when he was vice president, conservatives who accept the investigation by Trump as political retaliation are rather rallying.


    In the 2022 U.S. midterm elections, most of the Trump-supporting Republican candidates lost, and contrary to Trump's confident prediction that Republicans would sweep both the House and Senate and provoke a red wave, the Senate and the governor were won by Democrats, and Republicans managed to win a majority in the House alone, resulting in defeat.


    In April 2023, after an unprecedented event in U.S. history called the prosecution of a former president, Republican supporters who felt a sense of crisis rallied to Trump, and their approval ratings soared again. In addition, several House and Senate members, governors, and government officials from the Republican Party continued to support Trump.


    Since the criminal trial of Trump's sexual harassment indictment on May 10, 2023, Trump's approval rating has risen further due to a rally of Republican supporters, beating rival candidates such as Ron DeSantis in August 2023 and fully recovering from the previous trend within the Republican Party, and Donald Trump topped the Republican pre-poll.


    On December 19, 2023, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled against former President Trump from running for the Colorado presidential primary (primary election) after acknowledging charges of inciting insurrection, including participating in the January 6, 2021, Capitol Hill crash.


    On December 28, 2023, a decision was also made in Maine that former President Donald Trump was not eligible to run. On the other hand, Minnesota and Michigan showed opposite results. The Supreme Court is expected to make a final decision in the future, but it is likely to be dismissed as the current conservative: progressive ratio is 6:3.


    On January 7, 2024, 54% of respondents in the entire American poll opposed the disqualification of former President Trump from running and 46% said Trump should be restricted.


    Trump's popularity and support rank at the top among Republicans as isolationists and America First gain strength in the United States.


    Donald John Trump



    On Jan. 16, 2024, Trump's victory was confirmed in just 31 minutes of counting in the first primary election in Iowa, U.S. Trump won by a landslide, garnering a majority of 50 percent.


    On January 21, 2024, when far-right Ron DeSantis announced his resignation and support for Trump before the New Hampshire primary, Trump won New Hampshire and gained the upper hand of the presidential nomination.


    Trump announced the key tasks to be carried out when he is re-elected and in his second term in office, and the key keywords are economy (US/growth first), trade (mutualism), energy (independence), and external (isolationism)


    It further strengthens protectionist policies to demand "universal basic tariffs" on all imports, raises them further for "unfair" trading countries, and further strengthens U.S. priority.


    It cuts the size of U.S. international aid by "hundreds of billions of dollars," ends the war in Ukraine, considers the U.S. withdrawal from NATO, or at least reduces U.S. involvement in the Atlantic Defense Treaty.


    Restoring the policy of keeping undocumented (illegal) immigrants in Mexico while applying for asylum, and suspending automatic citizenship for illegal immigrant children born on U.S. soil.


    As the government re-supports energy markets and companies, it strengthens energy independence centered on the United States while stabilizing prices by lowering energy prices in the long run.


    If elected, he will be the first president to serve consecutive terms in 132 years since Grover Cleveland.


    2024 Trump Ticket slogan, Make America Great Again




    Trump panics as Biden gets the news he's been waiting for

    Trump panics as Biden gets the news he's been waiting for



    3. United States presidential election




    It refers to an election in the United States to elect the president and vice president of the federal administration.



    1) the manner of the U.S. presidential election


    - George Washington's First Presidential Election Process, System Change by Amendment


    - Caucus elects primary-style party candidates


    - indirect election, winner-take-all, double voting


    The U.S. presidential election is a so-called double voting in which the people first vote and then the electors assigned according to the results again. All U.S. citizens elect their respective states' electors, which are often referred to as "U.S. presidential elections."


    These elected electors gather to elect the president of the United States. Fifty states and foreign territories other than Washington, D.C., do not have the right to elect the electors.


    Of the 50 states, 48 states, excluding Maine and Nebraska, elect elect electors in a winner-take-all manner, and the winner has all electors in that state. Maine and Nebraska adopt a proportional system. The number of electors is divided according to the number of House districts.


    First, the first round of referendums for each state is held, and the electorates that are determined in such a way cast a second round of voting. And the votes cast by the electorates turn out to be the real result. Members of this electoral group can also betray their own party and use so-called betrayal votes to vote for candidates from other parties.


    Once the people elect the first candidate, the first candidates are in the form of a double vote to elect the second candidate again. Here, the second candidate is the one who will become the president.


    Regardless of whether you win 501:499 or 1000:0, these electoral votes are structured to monopolize all electoral districts if you win. As a result, there have been five instances in U.S. history where the electorate failed to win the presidential election because they were ahead of the direct vote of the entire electorate. Therefore, winning a lot by a narrow margin is far more advantageous than winning a little by a landslide.


    The total number of electors is the combined number of House and Senate members in each state. Each state has two senators, and the larger the population, the larger the number of House members. For example, there are 55 electors in California, but there are 3 electors in Vermont, Alaska, Delaware, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, and South Dakota. There are 538 electors in total, including 435 House members, 100 senators, and 3 electors in Washington, D.C.



    Trump & Biden
    Trump & Biden


    2) the voting process


    Before the start of the US presidential election, it secures a total of 600 electors by securing 538 regular and 62 preliminary electors. The electors are not selected by anyone, and they must be members of the party to which the candidate belongs.


    In addition, not everyone is assigned, and they must be someone who has an address in the precinct and actually lives inside the precinct. The primary electorate is mostly placed in states where they are likely to be elected.


    If you quit the regular electorate due to unavoidable reasons among the number of regular electors, you may be replaced by a regular electorate from among the primary electors.


    When the electoral register is prepared, the referendum will be held on a "state" basis, and the electors belonging to the candidate's party in the state will later cast a second round and send the result to Washington, DC. The electors belonging to the party that was elected in the state are terminated from their duties and returned to the public.


    After that, the candidate who voted for the electors and was elected in the electors' vote is inaugurated as the president.



    3) voting day


    The U.S. presidential election day, which is held every four years, is set according to the rule "Weekly Tuesday with the first Monday in November." It falls on one day from November 2 to 8.


    The U.S. Congress made these regulations a law in 1792 that states could hold elections at any time during the 35 days before the first Wednesday of December, but in 1845 the U.S. Congress decided to consolidate election days nationwide.


    In the United States, the first Monday of November is called Super Tuesday (November 2-8), which is the day after the next day, but it is often referred to as Presidential Election Day in the United States because the next president is actually decided. [Source] U.S. presidential election 2024, Biden and Trump|Writer Duddy





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