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    The article discusses the concerns mothers face when their children experience sudden fever and provides guidance on understanding and managing pediatric fever. Pediatric fever is identified as a rectal temperature of 38℃ or higher in children under 3 or an oral temperature of 37.5℃ or higher. For children aged 3 and older, a rectal temperature of 37.8℃ or higher or an oral temperature of 37.2℃ or higher is considered a fever.


    Childhood fever

    Fever is recognized as a natural defense mechanism against harmful invaders like bacteria or viruses. However, inexperienced mothers may feel anxious, particularly when an infant temperature reaches 38℃, although fever is generally not dangerous for infants. Newborns, however, are an exception, and if their armpit temperature exceeds 37.4℃, it is considered a fever. Administering fever-reducing medication to newborns is strictly prohibited, and immediate medical attention from a pediatrician is crucial in such cases, especially for infants up to 100 days old.


    Steps to follow when a child has a fever

    Observe the condition

    Calmly assess the child's overall state. If the child is playing, eating, and sleeping well despite the fever, immediate intervention may not be necessary. However, persistent high fever or accompanying symptoms require consultation with a pediatrician.


    Take fever-reducing medication

    Fever-reducing medications like acetaminophen and ibuprofen can be used when the temperature exceeds 39℃ or when the child is uncomfortable due to the fever. Aspirin is not recommended for children due to the risk of Reye's syndrome. Proper dosage, calculated based on weight, is crucial, and caution is advised against redundant administration or breaking adult medications for children.


    Wipe with a damp cloth

    If the fever persists, using a lukewarm damp cloth for a massage can be beneficial. Waiting after administering fever-reducing medication before wiping is recommended, especially if the child is shivering. A using cold water or alcohol-mixed water, as it can be unsafe and fatal, particularly for heatstroke-induced high fever in children.


    The article emphasizes the importance of understanding pediatric fever, taking appropriate measures, and seeking prompt medical attention in specific situations, ensuring the well-being of the child.
